About the Center

The center performs research in the areas where interactive computing meets its human users. As such, our research has applications in almost every domain, from engineering to arts. Some specific application areas in which our members work include medical imaging, archaeology, and education/training.

Our team consists of internationally-recognized experts from across the broader area of human-computer interaction, with specific expertise in the areas of information visualisation, virtual and augmented reality, interaction design, computer graphics, computer vision and image analysis. This expertise is evident in our many international and interdisciplinary collaborations. Our members have served as program committee members, steering committee members, and conference chairs at leading conferences including IEEE ISMAR, IEEE VR, ACM VRST, and ACM CHI, and their papers have been published in top venues such as SIGGRAPH, IEEE VR, IEEE ISMAR, IEEE TVCG, ACM CHI, and ACM TOCHI. To learn more about our individual histories and research interests, please click on Meet the team

There are five major themes to our current research: augmented, virtual, and mixed reality (AR/VR/MR, collectively referred to as XR), computational design, digital arts and cultural heritage, multimodal human-computer interaction, and visualisation and analytics. For more information regarding each of these research areas, please click on Research.

Latest Events

  • New PhD student - Han Hao joined the center

    16/08/20      La Trobe University
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  • Augmented reality comes to the fight against COVID-19

    06/07/20      Australian Financial Reviews
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  • La Trobe University models coronavirus infected lung in 3D - Mixed Reality headset HoloLens 2 underpins clinical education breakthrough

    06/07/20      Microsoft
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  • Modelling COVID-infected lungs in 3D

    06/07/20      La Trobe University
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