Dr. Hui Cui



  • PhD, University of Sydney
  • MPhil, University of Sydney
  • BEng, Harbin Insitute of Technology


Dr. Cui joined La Trobe University as a Lecturer in Interactive Digital Media Since March 2019.

She received her PhD and MPhil degrees in Computer Science with specialization in Medical Image Computing at The University of Sydney, Australia in 2016 and 2013 under the supervision of Prof David Dagan Feng, A/Prof Xiuying Wang and Clinical Professor Michael Fulham. She also worked closely with Dr Jianlong Zhou from UTS in graph topology. She obtained my Bachelor of Engineering degree from Harbin Institute of Technology (China C9 University) in 2011.

Before joining La Trobe University, she was a Research Fellow at BIomedical and Multimedia Information Technology Research Group (BMIT), The University of Sydney, from 2016 to 2018.